Presentations, Lectures and Trainings

Frequent speaker at workshops, conferences, public events, as well as at colleges, universities, and K-12 schools.


Understanding the Role of Trauma in Truth, Reconciliation, and Peace Processes (March 2021)

Intergenerational Gendered Trauma and its Historical Context (March 2021)

Bridging Societal Divides: How Can We Heal? (January 2021)

Episode 18: Conflict Trauma & Resilience on Dangerous Love Podcast with Chad Michael Ford (September 2020)

Guarding our Democracy: Responding to Malicious Influence Campaigns in a Digital World (February 2020)

Neuroscience and Peacebuilding Initiative Roundtable Series 3 of 3: The Role of Childhood & Intergenerational Trauma in Protracted Conflicts (Creator and moderator of series) (October 2019)

Neuroscience and Peacebuilding Initiative Roundtable Series 2 of 3: Drivers of Intergroup Conflict and Discrimination: A Discussion with Emile Bruneau (Creator and moderator of series) (September 2019)

Neuroscience and Peacebuilding Initiative Roundtable Series 1 of 3: Building Stronger Communities: Addressing Trauma to Promote Resilience and Social Healing (Creator and moderator of series) (May 2019)

How to Rehabilitate and Reintegrate Violent Extremists (November 2018)

Breaking the Cycle Between Organized Crime and Conflict, United Nations, NY (November 2018)

International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, CA (Fighting Serious Crimes Book Talk and Panelist discussing Justice & Security Dialogue) (April 2018)

International Studies Association (ISA), Baltimore, MD (Speaking Their Peace Book Talk) (February 2017)

Building Inclusive, Stronger Peace Processes, Here’s How (January 2017)

Picturing Soft Power: Visual Arts in Peacebuilding (July 2015)

Potter’s House (Speaking Their Peace Book Event) (June 2015)

Busboy and Poets (Speaking Their Peace Book Event) (April 2015)

Speaking Their Peace Book Launch (April 2015)

Bringing Peace Through Facilitated Dialogue: A Book Launch (October 2012)

Burma/Myanmar in Transition: A Discussion with Aung San Suu Kyi (September 2012)

Trauma Resilience as a Keystone to Building the Rule of Law in Conflict-Affected Societies (May 2012)

Libya in Transition: The Significance of U.N. Resolution 1973 and Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa (October 2011)

Foreign Police Assistance: Lessons from the Field (July 2011)

Ten Years after 9/11: Evaluating a Decade of Conflicts on the Rules of War (June 2011)

Organization of American States (OAS) (Topic: Women, Peace and Security) (April 2011)

International Peace Academy (Topic: Rule of Law in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations) (March 2011)

University of Virginia, J.B. Moore International Law Symposium (Topic: The Role of Security Forces in Promoting the Rule of Law) (February 2011)

Children and Transitional Justice (January 2011)

Women, Peace, and Security: Fulfilling the Vision of 1325 (July 2010)

Public, Civil-Society, Police: Joint Problem Solving to Strengthen Rule of Law in Nepal (October 2009)

Where are the Women Peacekeepers? (July 2009)

Positive Complementarity: War Crimes Prosecutions in The Bosnia State Court (April 2009)

American Bar Association (ABA) Spring Meeting (Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad: What Have we Learned and What do we do Now”) (April 2009)

Nepal: En Route to Peace and Democracy (June 2008)

International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime workshop on law reform in Afghanistan (Siracusa, Italy) (April 2008).

American Society for International Law (ASIL) Annual Meeting (Restoring Rule of Law in Post-Conflict and Stabilization Operations: Respective Roles of Law and Politics) (April 2008)

Democratic Transitions in South Asia: Prospects for Success in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal (November 2007)

Violence in the Terai and the Madhesi Movement: Prospects for Peace in Nepal (July 2007)

Combating Serious Crimes in Postconflict Societies (October 2006)



Lectures at the following universities have included topics including the Rule of Law, Security, Law Reform, Human Rights, Combating Serious Crimes, Inclusive Peace Processes, Burma, Kosovo, Libya, and Nepal:

  • American University

  • Catholic University

  • Central Florida University

  • Georgetown University

  • National Defense University

  • Santa Clara University School of Law

  • University of Virginia Law School

  • Utah Valley University

  • Washington State University

  • William and Mary Law School


  • Melbourne Law School

  • Ohio Northern University

  • Union College

  • Washington Center Summer in DC


Trainer/Adjunct faculty/Mobile Education Team Member:

  • United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

    • Countries in which training took place has included the US, Burma, Libya and Nepal

    • Topics have included: Justice, Security and the Rule of Law and

    • Transitional Justice

  • Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) and United States Army South

    • Countries in which training took place has included El Salvador, Guatemala, Nepal and Sri Lanka

    • Topics have included Civilian-Military Relations, Security Sector Reform, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Transitional Justice


Neuroscience and Peacebuilding Initiative Roundtable Series 3 of 3: The Role of Childhood & Intergenerational Trauma in Protracted Conflicts (Creator and moderator of series) (October 2019)

Neuroscience and Peacebuilding Initiative Roundtable Series 2 of 3: Driver’s of Intergroup Conflict and Discrimination: A Discussion with Emile Bruneau (Creator and moderator of series) (September 2019)

How to Rehabilitate and Reintegrate Violent Extremists (November 2018)

Fighting Serious Crimes: Strategies and Tactics for Conflict-Affected Societies, Thomas S. Foley Center, Washington State University (April 2018)

World Affairs Lecture Series: Fighting Serious Crimes, The Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy, Salt Lake City. (February 2018)

Fighting Serious Crimes: An Interview with Colette Rausch, Book Editor (July 2017)

Podcast on Being a Rule of Law Practitioner (July 2017)

An Interview with Colette Rausch, Author of Speaking Their Peace. (July 2017)

Building Inclusive, Stronger Peace Processes, Here’s How (January 2017)

Picturing Soft Power: Visual Arts in Peacebuilding (July 2015)

Personal Stories from the Frontlines of War and Peace (April 2015)

USIP in 2012: Year in Review (December 2012)

Bringing Peace Through Facilitated Dialogue (October 2012)

Myanmar (Burma) in Transition: A Discussion with Aung San Suu Kyi (C-SPAN) (September 2012)

Trauma Resilience as a Keystone to Building the Rule of Law in Conflict-Affected Societies (May 2012)

What is the Rule of Law? (March 2012)

On the Road to Rule of Law in Burma (January 2012)

US Police Assistance in Developing Countries (C-SPAN) (July 2011)

From Souk to Field Hospital: Building Peace in Yemen (November 2011)