About me

I bring over 25 years of experience helping build cohesive, just, secure and resilient societies. I am a former prosecutor and defense attorney, rule of law specialist, mediator, facilitator, trainer, and a trauma and stress resolution practitioner.

Having worked in more than 20 countries across the globe, including many that have been roiled by violent conflict, insecurity, and upheaval, I have experienced firsthand the importance of approaching complex problems with humility, determination, and attentiveness. I have learned that the key to any successful reform process or change initiative begins with scaffolding solutions that bolster each individual’s or organization’s existing points of resilience and ensuring those impacted by the initiative play an active role in devising successful outcomes.

In our interconnected world, the actions we take individually and collectively have far reaching impact, for good or ill. So, it is important that any solutions be holistic, taking an interdisciplinary approach that considers all the factors and people who play a role within a system or organization. 

Following these principles, I believe that individual, organizational and societal transformation toward a more just, secure, peaceful and resilient world is possible. 

What I offer

My passion is helping individuals and organizations accomplish their mission with more ease. 

I help leaders and organizations solve sticky problems, bridge gaps, and build cohesion within teams during strategic planning processes, change management initiatives, and other aspects of organizational life.

I provide subject matter expertise in justice, security and rule of law; transitional justice; reconciliation; and peacebuilding and help design and implement projects and trainings in these areas.

I support individuals, leaders, and organizations with stress management and trauma-prevention training and coaching during times of uncertainty, change or disruption.

Countries where I’ve worked

I have worked in Afghanistan, Albania, Bosnia, Colombia, Croatia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Iraq, Kosovo, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine and Yemen. I have also provided oversight to programs in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria.


Notable accomplishments:

• Initiated the United States Institute of Peace’s Afghanistan Program. Following the fall of the Taliban in 2001, I was the institute’s first presence in Kabul, working with Afghan legal system colleagues to reintroduce digital copies of the country’s laws after the Taliban’s destruction of the originals.

• Launched the United States Institute of Peace’s Burma Program. As Burma opened up, I traveled there to explore ways that the institute could support the country’s beginning steps toward democratic governance. I subsequently established the institute’s Burma program and worked with Burmese civil society and officials on strengthening rule of law.

• Began the United States Institute of Peace’s Libya Rule of Law Program. Immediately following the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, I traveled to Libya to work with Libyan civil society members and lawyers to create and implement a program to strengthen rule of law in Libya.

• Started the United States Institute of Peace’s Yemen Rule of Law Program. In the midst of what has been termed the Arab Spring, traveled to Yemen to work with Yemeni colleagues in the legal system, human rights community and civil society to develop conflict resolution and rule of law programs. 

• Established the United States Institute of Peace’s Nepal Program.  At the end of the Nepal’s ten-year civil war, and just before the King relinquished the throne following popular protests against human rights abuses, I traveled to Nepal to assess how USIP could contribute to peacebuilding in the Himalayan nation. I established USIP’s rule of law and transitional justice programs and laid the groundwork for the constitution making program in Nepal. 

• Conceived and implemented Justice and Security Dialogue (JSD).  I worked with Nepal police and human rights defenders to pioneer Justice and Security Dialogue (JSD), a pivotal conflict resolution and rule of law reform process that strengthens community-police trust and facilitates transformation of justice and security institutions. JSD has since been adapted and implemented in 12 countries around the world. 

• Published five books, including one with a foreword written by the Dalai Lama, and another with a foreword by former National Security Advisor Steven Hadley. My books have been praised by notables such as General David Petreaus, Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi, former international war crimes prosecutor Richard Goldstone, Women for Women International’s Lady Anne Greenstock, and General H.R McMaster.

• Certified as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). Somatic Experiencing is an integrative body‐focused therapy for treating chronic stress and transforming trauma. 

• Created and led the Neuroscience and Peacebuilding Initiative at the United States Institute of Peace.  The initiative brought together neuroscientist and peacebuilders to explore the intersection of neuroscience and peacebuilding, what drives individuals and societies to resort to violence and what encourages people to turn from violence to peacebuilding. It informed country-based programs including in Burma and Libya, as well as produced educational events. 

 Deployed as the first Department of Justice official to Kosovo. Directly on the heels of NATO’s intervention, I initiated Rule of Law programs with Kosovar legal system colleagues.

 • Served as the Department of Justice’s first Resident Legal Advisor in Bosnia. I worked with Bosnia legal system colleagues to develop training programs on legal codes consistent with international laws.   

• Advocated for the creation of a state Telemarketing Fraud law in Nevada. The law was ultimately passed and I subsequently led the development of the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud Unit at the Nevada Attorney General’s Office. 

• Prosecuted the first case in Nevada under the federal Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA).

• Prosecuted the first case in Nevada under the federal Church Arson Prevention Act for a hate-related crime.

• Coordinated the U.S Attorney’s Office in Nevada’s role as part of a 37-state crackdown on telemarketing fraud against the elderly during a nationwide operation.  I received an award for my role from then Attorney General Janet Reno.