What I Do

From technical assistance and subject matter expertise to change leadership, peacebuilding and trauma resolution, I can help you as an individual, group or organization overcome challenges and meet with success.

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justice, security and rule of law

From helping with strategic planning to project design and implementation to providing expertise related to justice, security, rule of law; transitional justice; reconciliation; and peace processes, I will help your organization accomplish its mission.



Whether you need someone to conduct an organizational assessment, diagnose a concrete problem, facilitate difficult conversations, mediate a specific conflict, provide training for leadership or create ease in a strategic planning or change initiative, I will help you create a more harmonious environment and achieve your goals.


Stress management and trauma prevention and resolution

I work with individuals, leaders and organizations to help manage stress and to prevent trauma and stress-related injuries. I do this on a one to one basis or within groups. I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). SE is a neurobiological approach to healing trauma and chronic stress.